How do I measure the area to be covered in order to purchase the right amount of stone veneer?

When you are trying to determine how many GenStone panels and accessories you need, there are two ways to go about it. One way is to start by measuring the total linear feet in your improvement area. A linear foot is simply a measurement of how many feet make up the area horizontally. 

The other way is to determine how many square feet your area is composed of and divide that number by the coverage area of the stacked stone or brick veneer panel. We typically recommend using the linear foot method because you will need the linear feet measurement to figure out how many ledgers and trim you may want to incorporate into the project. 

Here’s how you would determine how many stacked stone panels and ledgers you would need for this project. For a more in-depth look at a project like this, download the guide linked here to learn how to measure for corner panels, corner ledgers, and more.

Formulas for Stacked Stone and Brick

Example Project: 65' Long by 4' Tall Wainscot
  • 65 x 12 = 780 inches long
  • Each panel provides 41″ of width coverage so 780 / 41 = 19.02 panels
    • Each panel delivers 11″ of height coverage so 19.02 x 4 = 76.08 panels
    • Always add 5% and round up! 76.08 x 1.05 = 80 total panels needed
  • Each ledger provides 42″ of width and 3.5″ of height
    • 780 / 42 = 18.57 ledgers
    • Always add 5% and round up! 18.57 x 1.05 = 20 total ledgers needed

When figure the materials needed for a project, you would need to take a measurement of the height and the length of the wall you intend to cover.  Divide the height of the wall by the height of your panel and the length of the wall by the length of the panel. Multiplying these numbers together will give the number of full panels need for the area. For trim and ledger, measure your linear footage and divide by 4.  This will be the number of pieces needed.

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