United States

GenStone is available through many large retailers and independent lumberyards. Use this Where to Buy locator map to find your nearest retailer or you can purchase our faux stone through our GenStone direct website.

If you have a more complicated project and would like assistance measuring or need some expert insight on your DIY project, feel free to contact our corporate office at 303-904-7200 and we are happy to help you with your order. 


GenStone is available through many large retailers and independent lumberyards including:

  • Castle
  • Timber Mart
  • Home Hardware

If you would like to purchase GenStone products that are CCMC (Canadian Construction Materials Centre) certified, you can buy them through Mitten building products at retail price. You can also use this Where to Buy in Canada map to find your nearest retailer. 

We do offer economy GenStone products that cost less however, they are not CCMC certified and strapping must be used to install per Canadian building code. You can purchase them through the GenStone direct website.

Canadian Contractors

May purchase GenStone through Mitten or any retailer listed above.

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